Now its proven that Anna Hazare movement is a massive success. Movements, hunger strikes, Aandolans for Bills are not new. So how come it worked well this time? This is my interpretation.
1. A Noble Intention
The intention is noble. Fight against corruption. Corruption has no caste/religion/sex. It’s affecting everyone. So every citizen who is reasonably circumspect will agree with the intention of the movement.
2. A Noble Icon
The movement is lead by a noble civil society activist Anna Hazare. Nobody in the country will have any doubts regarding his integrity, character and intention. Hence unless someone is severely benefitted by corruption, they support the movement.
3. Reasonable Ground Work
It’s from months the team formed by Anna Hazare, Kiran Bedi were working on preparation of a draft bill. I feel this is very important. Though many say this bill is too draconian, wen u are countering a lame counterpart prepared by the government, one should have their own first. Of course the demand is not to pass the bill AS IS.
4. Reasonable Demands
Demands by the activists are very reasonable.
a. Even though they prepared their own draft of the bill and have people support, they are ready to discuss with government again
b. They didn’t demand the bill to be passed as is. All they asked is for equal partnership in the bill making committee as government lost peoples faith after repeated scams in past few months.
5. The flow of events
This is also a very interesting part to observe inorder to understand why exactly this movement gained huge support.
Event : A Noble person backed by people with high integrity starting a hunger fast.
Result : This brings them instant support from all NGOs, Activists and Social Workers
Event : Facebook & Twitter Campaign against corruption
Result : Since my above 1,2,3,4 points will convince any regular netizen to support this movement, good amount of activity starts across the social networks. Retweets, polls, Facebook likes, Display changes etc.
Event : Entry of Media
Result : Given the good amount of support from Activists, NGOs, and huge activity in twitter & facebook regarding single cause, Media finds its feet into the issue and starts reporting.
Event : Tweets, Retweets by Celebs who are famous for their integrity in twitter
Result : This cause more social network traffic and awareness of the issue and also medias attention
Event : Entry of opposition parties
Result : More visibility for the movement and more media coverage in news channels
Event : Given the extensive coverage of media and huge traffic in Social network, and also calls to come out and support the movement, people across the country start coming out showing their support by participating in the events organized by NGOs/Activists in their town.
Result : More Media Coverage. Govt attention.
Event : As the events a,b,c,d,e,f multiply their effect as the time moves on More celebs showing their support. More NGOs. More Parties.
Result : The government starts coming down. Realization of the goal of the movement
Event : As people see Government coming down to the movement, this results in more support for the movement, more confidence in people, more intensity
Result : No options left for Government.
This is a very healthy trend and if done in right way, I believe this is the way forward to solve all major issues faced by India.
I’m extremely hopeful that this design pattern will be our future father of nation to bring out of nation from chaos.
Jai Hind!
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