Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Indian 'Thriller' - Chiranjeevi Song Getting World Wide Popularity

Well most of the people who either belong to Andhra Pradesh or ever heard of Tollywood know about Chiranjeevi, The Megastar. Well there is a movie of him called 'DONGA' released in late 80's in which there was a song whose video was copied from Micheal Jackson's 'Thriller'. You can check dis out here

And dis video in YouTube became so popular that it got
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Due to its popularity in YouTube, there came a subtitle version of it too...

Due to its increasing popularity, people started making their own videos of this very old telugu song imitating Chiranjeevi Dance Steps in it..

A Comedian Version of it..

Last but not the least, a group of people gave a small performance too based on dis..
Watch out for the cheer from the crowd..

I always wished Indian Cinema should get international recognition but never dis way ;-)

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